الأحد، 31 أكتوبر 2010

   Final Draft of Women's Work

   Nowadays, women's work is a double-faced coin. I think it is very important if she could arrange her life between her outside work and work at home.
   Some people agree with women's work, because they see that she could help her husband by getting money. The money will raise their living-standard.
   Some women think that when they work, they will be independent. It means that they don't want anyone to give them money or take care of them. They think they could apply all the requirements of life and live a better life, just when they themselves go to work.

   There is another opinion of people who are against women's work. They say that when she works, she will go home tired. She won't have spare time to do her home duties, like bringing up her children, cooking and cleaning. She also doesn't have time to take care of her husband and children.
   Some women when they go to work, they become nervous and angry all the time. Others have some diseases like pressure. All these things don't give her some kind of stability in her and her family's life.

   Finally, sometimes I'm with women's work but most of time I'm against it. I feel that women should relax themselves from working outside home and to leave this hard work to men. It's men's duty to work and men should know that it's their responsibility to bring money.

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