الثلاثاء، 5 أكتوبر 2010

Draft of the essay

Air pollution
The air pollution:
  • The meaning of air pollution.
  • Industries
  • Open-air waste burning
  • Transportation (burning fuel)
  • Smoking
  • Different types of chemicals and dust
  • Green House effect 
  • Global Warming
  • Ozone Depletion
  • It causes acid rains ang smog
  • It harms human beings (it causes cancer,respiratory and reproductive effects)
  • Elimination of fossil fuels
  • Try to reduce emissions of industrial gases
  • Finding ways to reuse and recycle one's own products
The Ministry of Environment should take many procedures to save air from its pollutants. 

هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Eman, I read your outline, it is excellent. Go ahead and write the first draft of your essay.
    I want you to access the weblog of your friend Wafa El Sherief and read her draft and send comments and suggestions to her weblog for improving her draft. You can make use of the editing checklist that I added to the class weblog to edit and correct the draft of Wafaa

  2. thanks Dr Samah
    I will read it and write a comment on it
