الأحد، 21 نوفمبر 2010

Final Draft
Comparing between education 'In the past' and 'Now'

    Education is a national demand to many people in Egypt. It has developed through the years in three important dimentions, which are the school, the teacher and the materials.
    In the past, people know that education is very important to live a better life. Schools were well-organized, clean and had many activities and sports to do in.
    Teachers were respectable and conscience. They were doing their best to teach the students the useful information. They were really bringing up the students before educating them. Even that there were poor teaching aids, the teacher knew how to make the students understand the lesson. Students also were taught to respect their teachers and to pay attention to all their words because they know the value of education by their parents.
    The material books were sufficient and written carefully so that the students could make good use of its information. 
    Education now is important as in past days but in a different way. Schools are not very important and lack of activities or anything which draws the students' eyes to stay at school.
    Most of the teachers are loosing their respect to themselves, students begin to ignore and hate them because they become more aggressive and materialistic; they do not look for the importance of the  information they give, but they calculate how much they will get from teaching this information. Some other teachers are still using old ways in teaching so it is so boring for children of our days. Other teachers still know that it is their duty to teach the students in new, good and exciting ways of teahing. So, the students will never forget this subject.
    The material books are summerized in a way that stuents can not understand it withut the help ofother resources such as; books and internet.

    Finaly, education is very important to us if we want to be a developed country. We should use technological devices in teaching to achieve our goals.

الأحد، 7 نوفمبر 2010

First Draft
Comparing between education 'In the past' and 'Now'

    Education is a national demand to many people in Egypt. It has developed through the years in three important dimentions, which are the school, the teacher and the materials.
    In the past, people know that education is very important to live a better life. Schools were well-organized, clean and had many activities and sports to do in.
    Teachers were respectable and conscience. They were doing their best to teach the students the useful information. They were really bringing up the students before educating them. Even that there were poor teaching aids, the teacher knew how to make the students understand the lesson. Students also were taught to respect their teachers and to pay attention to all their words because they know the value of education by their parents.
    The material books were sufficient and written carefully so that the students could make good use of its information. 
    Education now is important as in past days but in a different way. Schools are not very important and lack of activities or anything which draws the students' eyes to stay at school.
    Most of the teachers are loosing their respect to themselves, students begin to ignore and hate them because they become more aggressive and materialistic; they do not look for the importance of the  information they give, but they calculate how much they will get from teaching this information. Some other teachers are still using old ways in teaching so it is so boring for children of our days. Other teachers still know that it is their duty to teach the students in new, good and exciting ways of teahing. So, the students will never forget this subject.
    The material books are summerized in a way that stuents can not understand it withut the help ofother resources such as; books and internet.

    Finaly, education is very important to us if we want to be a developed country. We should use technological devices in teaching to achieve our goals.    

الجمعة، 5 نوفمبر 2010

Comparing between education in the past and now in my country

    Education is a national demand to many people in Egypt. It has developed through out the years.

1-   In the past:
                       A: Schools
                       B: Teachers, Students and Teaching Methodologies
                       C: The materials (books)
2-   Nowadays:
                       A: Schools
                       B: Teachers and Students                                                         
                       C: The materials (books)

    Finally, education is very important to us if we want to be a developed country.